Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Concert Time!!!

i love going to concerts and it had been about a year since i went to a real one. i didnt even know these bands were coming to town so it was a quick decision. but once i found out- i was going, no matter what, even if i had to go by myself. however, Jami and Nate tagged along with me. the concert was in midvale so we left logan at 2, ran some errands, stopped by my grandparents house, and then headed to the concert. it was an awesome concert. we were up close. and during the last band we left Nate, so jami and i could get pictures with and signatures from the band. we landed back in logan at 1am. i was dead tired for my early morning class the next day but it was way worth it.

i took lots of pictures with me and the band members. but i look awful in them. so i decided to put this video on in place of pictures- even though this band doesnt sing this song.

its "The Higher" singing bye-bye-bye from Nysnc for some odd reason. the higher is one of my favorite bands. houston calls, we shot the moon, and sherwood came with them as well.

1 comment:

Carolyn Howell said...

That Nsync song would've been my favorite! Fun times. xoxo